Posted on December 24, 1977May 28, 20201977 Additional information Introduction speech of S.F. Antonov, Minister of meat and dairy industries of the USSR, at the congress opening ceremony Greeting speech by Academician P.P. Lobanov, President of the Lenin All Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences at the congress opening ceremony Complex system of high-quality raw material production (in Russian and English) N.S. Nestorov The studies into the production of high quality meat (in English) D.L. Lavantin Transportation of pigs for slaughter and its influence on meat quality (in Russian and German) G. Theloe Transportation, Vorschlachtungsbehandlung, Stress und deren Einfluss auf die Fleischqualität (in Russian and German) W. Tatulow Some problems of technology and hygiene in slaughtering line (in Russian and English) P. Gayer Schlatechtechnik und -Technologie: Hygiene und Veterinärinspektion (in Russian and German) O. Prändl Cold utilisation for meat preservation (in Russian and English) Ž. Trumić Chilling freezing and thawing (in Russian and English) V. Oluški Relationships between composition and the quality of beef (in Russian and English) J. Wismer-Pedersen Meat biological and food value (in Russian and English) P.E. Pavlovsky Aromabildung in Fleisch und Fleischwaren (in Russian and German) O. Hauser Physico-chemical studies into taste, aroma and other characteristics of meat and meat products (in Russian and English) L. Kórmendy La conservation des produits alimentaires (in Russian and French) E.J. Kaoucktchechvili Conservation des produits carnés par le séchage et la stérilization thermique (in Russian and French) A.M. Bragenikov Thermal treatment of meat products (in Russian and English) I.A. Rogov Studies into the heat treatment of meat and meat products Y. Zayas Starterkulturen und Glukono-delta-Lakton (GdL) bei der Rohwurstellung (in Russian and German) F.P. Niinivaara Regelung von Qualitativen Veränderungen bei Fleischbräterzeugnissen unter Einwirkung der mikrobiologischen Faktoren (in Russian and German) A.A. Sokolov Utilisation des methodes mathematiques et des calculateurs pour commander la qualite des produits de la viande (in Russian and French) V.A. Graph Optimisation des processus technologiques et de la qualité des produits carnés (in Russian and French) Z. Duda Use of non-edible raw materials for technical and fodder purposes (in Russian and English ) L.J. Rubin Utilisation of inedibles for technical and feeding products and Medicinals (in Russian and English) A.I. Snitsar Mikrobiologie des Fleisches in Gegenwart und Zukunft (in Russian and German) L. Leistner Mikrobiologie von Fleisch und Fleishwaren (in Russian and German) I.A. Kondratjew The effect of packaging on the quality of meat products (in Russian and English) D.E. Hood The basic trends in plastic materials utilisation for packaging meat products and the quality of the later as effected with packaging (in Russian and English) V.E. Gul Problems of improving meat products technology (in Russian and English) V.M. Gorbatov and A.V. Gorbatov The basic trends in studies concerning improvements in the technology of meat products (in Russian and English) A.S. Bolshakov Vegetable and dairy protein products in meat (in Russian and English) K. Jensen and M. Jul Utilisation of vegetable and milk proteins in meat production (in Russian and English) L. A. Boushkova Probleme bei der Verwendung von Zusätzen und Gerwurzen sowie bei der Bestimung von Ruckständen in Fleisch und Fleischwaren, Gesetzgebung (in Russian and German) I.A. Schumkowa Zusätze, Gerwurze, Ruckstände in Fleisch und Fleischwaren Gesetzgebung (in Russian and German) G.L. Solznewa Speech by V.I. Dyomin, first Vice Minister of the USSR Meat and Dairy Industries, at the closing session (in Russian, English, German and French) Speech by V.M. Gorbatov chairman of the organising committee, at the closing session (in Russian, English, German and French)